Receding gums are among the most noticeable side effects of periodontal disease and can be limited to a single tooth or several teeth. Symptoms of gum recession include root exposure, root cavities, extreme root sensitivity, and aesthetic problems. Having your gums repaired with gum surgery can prevent an infection and even tooth loss.
If you have receding gums, you may experience conditions such as:
There are three main types of gum grafting procedures and Dr. Keith Chertok in Berkeley, CA will choose a technique based on your unique situation and the degree of gum recession you have experienced. The three types are:
Undergoing gum surgery offers a number of benefits for those who are self-conscious about the look of their teeth and smile. Gum disease can wear down the gum tissue but a graft can restore the gum line to a more attractive level. Dr. Chertok will determine which type of gum grafting procedure is appropriate for your unique situation. The three main types of gum grafting procedures are:
Grafts of this nature are commonly used and involve stitching grafted tissue over exposed root surfaces taken from underneath a flap created in the roof of the mouth. The gum line is restored when the grafted tissue and healthy tissue grow together.
These are similar to connective tissue grafts except that the grafted material is taken directly from the roof of the mouth. It is an attractive option for those who have very thin gums.
Gum tissue is grafted from the area around the tooth that needs to be repaired and is often a good match for patients with plenty of gum tissue around the problem tooth.
In some cases, Dr. Chertok will use graft material from a tissue bank or even synthetic materials to restore the gum line.
Gum recession should be evaluated and may require treatment when it progresses to a certain level. If you are interested in learning more about gum surgery options for gum recession, schedule your appointment in Berkeley, CA with Dr. Chertok today!