The Dangers of Delaying Gum Disease Treatment

Most studies claim that gum disease affects over 47 percent of the adult population in America. With such high numbers, you would think that the lines of patients waiting to see your local periodontist would be miles long. Yet they are not. The main reason is likely due to a general lack of knowledge about the effects of gum disease. Many may mistakenly believe that it is an inevitable consequence of age, and that dealing with it is preferable to treating it. However, those who adopt this line of thinking may be in for a very rude awakening once the advanced effects of this condition begin to manifest themselves.


Gradual Deterioration Resulting in Major Complications

  • Gum recession: As your gum line begins to recede, the roots of your teeth become exposed to bacteria, which can result in infections that can hasten the worsening of your condition.
  • Bone loss: As pockets of infection begin to spread, the bone supporting your teeth starts to deteriorate. Eventually, not enough bone remains to effectively support your teeth.
  • Tooth loss: With underlying structures having deteriorated away, your teeth may begin to fall out. Once they are gone, bone loss may increase due to not having anything to support. This can eventually result in a general lack of muscle support known as facial collapse, which can dramatically alter your appearance.


Linking Gum Disease to Other Health Concerns

Aside from the issues occurring in your mouth, gum disease has also been linked to other serious conditions, such as heart disease, pregnancy complications, and even certain forms of cancer.

Do not put off seeking gum disease treatment in Berkeley, CA any longer. Such care is much simpler than you may think. Dr. Chertok employs advanced treatment methods that can halt the spread of this condition and repair any damage that it has caused. Contact our Berkeley, CA office today to schedule an appointment.


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